13 top most all time Prolific Goal scorer of FIFA World Cup

German played in 4 consecutive FIFA World Cups (2002- 2014) scored a record 16 Goals in 25 matches. 

Miroslav Klose

Brazilian Great participated in 3 consecutive FIFA World Cups; netted the ball 15 times in 19 matches.

Ronaldo Nazario 

West German Great, played in two World Cups (1970 -1974) scored 14 times in 13 matches.

Gerd Muller 

French star footballer played in single World Cup (1958) scored 13 goals in just 6 matches. 

Just Fontaine

Brazilian took part in 4 consecutive World Cups (1958 – 1970) played in 14 matches and scored 12 goals.


Hungarian star footballer played in single World Cup (1954) scored 11 goals in merely 5 matches. 

Sandor Kocsis

 West German played in in 3 successive World Cups (1990 – 1998) Scored 11 times in 17 matches.

Jurgen Klinsmann

West German participated in two consecutive World Cups (1954-1958) Scored 10 goals in as many matches.

Helmut Rahn

British Player played two successive World Cups (1986 – 1990) scored 10 times in 12 matches.

Gary Lineker

Argentinian participated in three continuous World Cups (1994 – 1998); netted the ball 10 times in 12 matches.

Gabriel Batistuta

Peruvian played in 1970 & 1978 World Cups; played 13 matches and scored 10 goals.

Teofilo Cubillas

German player played in 2 successive Wold Cups (2010 – 2014) scored 10 times in 16 matche

Thomas Muller

Polish footballer Participated in 3 consecutive World Cups (1974 -1982); Played in 20 matches and scored 10 goals.

Grzegorg Lato

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