Ten top most Philanthropists of 20th Century (1900 - 2000)  

Jamsetji Tata: Renowned Indian Industrialist, founder of Tata Sons donated astonishing US $ 102 billion, with focus on education & healthcare. 

Bill Gates and Malinda French Gates: The American billionaires have contributed US $ 74.6 billion in the last century and still donating. 

Henry Wellcome: Pharmaceutical Czar-the British-American had given a donation of US $ 56.7 billion; founded the Wellcome Trust in 1936.

Howard Hughes:Famous American Entrepreneur and film tycoon’s donations totalled US$ 38.6 billion; founded Howard Hughes Medical Institute (1953). 

Warren Buffett: Renowned American Investor and businessman has donated 99% 0f his wealth for social causes donated US$ 37.4 billion. 

George Soros: Founder of Soros Fund Management and creator of Open Society Foundation contributed US $ 34.8 billion. 

Hans Wilsdorf: The Founder of Rolex and Tudor founded Wilsdorf Foundation in 1945 donated US $ 31.5 billion for social causes.

JK Lilly Sr: American Business, Pharmaceutical Industrialist and Chairman of Eli Lilly and CO. donated US$ 27.5 billion. 

John D Rockefeller: Founder of Standard Oil Company donations for philanthropy purposes stand at US$ 26.8 billion.

Edsel Ford: Former president of Ford Motor Company and son of John Ford gave away US $ 26.7 billion for human welfare. 

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