11 Bad Habits that block your way to being rich


The right time to act is right now postponement means half battle lost. Only active people succeed.  

Bad Eating Habits 

Unhealthy food habits leads to bad health that in turn becomes the biggest hurdle for your success.  


Occasiona llimited alcohol is fine too much of it on daily basis make you disillusioned and financially weak.  


Lot of initiatives and relentless efforts may make you millionaire but for sure Gambling and buying lottery ticket will not. 

Get friendly with Negative people 

Man is judged by his company. Pessimist spread negative aura which leads to failure. 

TV Addiction

Don’t watch too much of TV rather read books to enhance knowledge. Knowledge is key to success.  


Have a positive state of mind you can achieve success if you have positive mental outlook. 

Avoid Feedback

Only your critics can lead you to success as you get the indications to improve upon your efforts to meet your goal. 


Spend less, save more and invest judiciously unnecessary expenditure leads to financial distress.  

Sticking to Job you Hate

Be passionate about your work choose the profession you like most .Rich and wealthy follow their passions.

Remaining in Comfort Zones

Be a trend setter and do things which other fret to do and distinguish yourself from herd. 

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